
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Glaedelig Jul (Merry Christmas)

We woke up to SNOW!  (#54)  Everyone knows that I L.O.V.E snow.  That's no secret.  It is so pretty and it always seems to energize me.  Despite the snow-storm that dumped around 6" of snow on us today, we managed to make it to my Aunt Joyce's for a Danish Christmas this afternoon (#55).  I love how the snow sits on the boughs of the evergreen trees (#56) on the way down the lane from our house.  It's my little kiss from God.  Although I love snow, I was disappointed when I thought the snow was going to cancel our family's Christmas celebration.  Luckily, everyone was able to make it and the party went on as planned.  We enjoyed a table full of Danish snacks and desserts, and boy were they good.  The "Pebber Nodder" (itty-bitty crunchy square cookies) are my favorite.  I remember my grandma making them each Christmas.  Maybe the reason I like them so much is because they remind me of grandma Viola (#57). 
And we can always count on my mom to make Danish Layer Cake.  Tasted just as yummy as I remember from last year...and the year before that...and the year before that...
My great-grandpa Erik came to America from Denmark when he was in his teens.  He first went to Iowa, then settled in Nebraska.  We heard some fun stories about Erik, and reminisced about my grandpa and grandma who are celebrating their 10th Christmas in Heaven this year.  My grandpa Harold had a famous little Danish saying that he'd recite for us often, and I'm pretty sure each grandkid can say it word for word (#58).  It goes like this:

Good out bit a farer,
Sigen haut to harer,
sigen lore,
sigen bean,
sigen skritootarer.
He always laughed after he said it and would always wrap the grandkids up in his arms for a hug.  

Aunt Joyce had lots of Danish surprises for us today.  Like Danish ornaments, Danish crafts, Danish Christmas traditions, Danish rice pudding, Danish words & phrases, Danish Christmas music, Danish snacks, and Danish gifts.  My grandparents would have LOVED to be part of all the fun today.  Mange tak, Aunt Joyce!  Jeg elsker dig!

It just wouldn't be right if we didn't drive around the square before leaving Minden.  So, I'll leave you with just one more picture from today.  It's always a special treat to enjoy the Christmas lights in my hometown (#59). 

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