
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Welcome Snow

Yesterday, everyone was talking about the weather.  It's been such a dry winter, and the rain that fell all day yesterday was a welcome sight.  (Blessing #253) 

Shortly after noon, the school decided to cancel the basketball games due to the snow that was coming.  That meant all the little girls who participated in the Cheer & Dance Clinic wouldn't be able to perform at half time.  However, they still held their "Clinic" right after school, and then the girls performed for their parents at the end of the Clinic.  Jillian was so happy!  (#254)  I love seeing the excitement in her eyes.

Jillian doesn't see her friend Ava very much, so they were thrilled to be in the same group.  (#255)

The best thing about snow storms, is that life slows down for a while.   (#256)  No one goes anywhere.  (#257)  Any plans that were made are cancelled.  And we enjoy some quality family time.  (#258)  Jacob made it home from college, so he'll get to help Chad scoop snow today.  (#259)
One of the games we played last night is this one.  "Fact or Crap."  In this game, you have to decide quickly if the worthless trivia statement being read is "Fact" or "Crap."  Jacob and Chad are so competitive, and it's always fun to watch them battle it out.  (#260) Jillian wanted to play too, and because she had a 50/50 chance with each question, she did pretty well actually.  Her favorite choice was always "Crap" and shouted it out frequently.  This may come back to haunt us. 
The rain stopped and the snow started falling early evening.  The flakes were huge and so pretty!  It felt like we were inside a snowglobe.  (#261)  Jillian started freaking out when the electricity started flickering off and on. 
Thankfully, we never lost power completely.  (#262)  And when we went to bed, the snow was falling heavily. 

This morning, we woke up to a winter wonderland. God's beauty is breath-taking.  Even when He uses just one color - white - to cover the dead of winter. It is so beautiful!  (#263)  All of the snow-lovers across Nebraska are HAPPY today! 

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