
Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

I have the best dad in the whole world.  (Blessing #862)  He is the kind of dad every little girl wants and needs.  He's always been full of encouragement and patience.  And he's shown me what it means to love unconditionally.  Oh, and I get my red hair from him too.  He has guided me, given me advice, and allowed me to spread my wings.  Yet, he's always ready and willing to lend a helping hand at a moment's notice.  I have learned so much from him, and am blessed that God chose him to be my dad.  And my family is truly blessed to call him "grandpa."
My dad with Erin & I (taken last year)

God has also blessed me with a wonderful husband, who is a great father to our children.  (#863)  He loves the Lord, and is creating a lasting legacy for God's Glory. 
Today, we celebrated Chad.  Which, of course, means steaks for lunch (grilled to perfection, courtesy of Jacob).  Oh, and the special blessing at church today is that a former pastor gave the message . . . Neal and Judy Brower were back!  (#864)  It was so great to see them.  I grew so much through Judy's Bible Study several years ago.  What an amazing Christian woman she is! 

Anyway, after lunch we found ourselves sitting in the hot summer sun at Jacob's baseball games.  He played back-to-back games at our Legion field, against two other local teams.  It's such a joy to see Jacob in his role as coach to these young men.  He takes it seriously, but also has a lot of fun.  And the kids love him.  (#865)

Chad & Jacob chat in between games.

The girls had fun too.  They started spitting water at each other, and then Jillian and her little friend Mya snuck up on Jenica and stole her flipflop. 

Chad dropped a hint at the ball games . . . "chocolate chip cookies sound good right now."  So while Chad & Jillian were enjoying the hammock, I whipped up a batch of some good old chocolate chip cookies, which went well with the homemade ice cream we made last week.  (#866) 

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