
Monday, July 30, 2012


I just hate it when one of my kids is hurting.  As a parent, it's one of the hardest things to watch. This world is full of "yuck," and Jenica has had her share this past week or so.  It makes my heart ache for her.

It all started with the last softball tournament of the summer.  State Softball.  In South Sioux City, of all places.  What a long drive.  And her coaches absolutely crushed her spirit in their final game of the tournament.  It was a really crummy way to end the season of her favorite sport.  But God is still in control and can use that situation to help strengthen her faith.  It was a reminder that people will always disappoint us, but God never will.  Our hope is found in Him, not in friends, family, or coaches.  (Blessing #886)  The things that hurt the most are also the things that can teach us the most.  And Jenica's been doing lots of learning this past week.

One of the blessings we experienced was that Chad's cousin Laura had a daughter playing in the same tournament way up in S.Sioux City.  So we got to visit with Chad's aunt and uncle, and his cousin's family while we were there.  (Blessing #887)  Harlie (the catcher) and Jenica (up to bat) ended up playing against each other in one game.

After leaving Sioux City, we headed to Minnesota for Jenica to see a heart specialist.  The blessing was that we were already half-way to Rochester, so we just headed to Mayo a couple days early and did some fun things in Minneapolis before her appointments.  (#888)

This fringy bicycle buggy looks like more fun than it actually is. It was a LOT of work! For everyone except Jillian, that is. The rest of us took turns walking behind and pushing the "Surry" up the hill. We really could have used Jacob's help, but he stayed home all week.

Minnehaha Falls

Italian sodas @ The Old Spagetti Factory

Mall of America - Chad & Jenica braved the scariest roller coaster there

The doctor we saw at Mayo is THE expert in Long QT Syndrome.  He teaches all the other docs around the world about this heart disorder and is always doing research and writing articles on it.  He sees over 800 patients with this same heart condition.  And now Jenica is part of that special group.  (#889)  (Jacob saw this same doctor last year.)

Dr. Ackerman ran some tests on Jenica and reviewed her history.  What we found out wasn't what we had expected, nor hoped for.  And we left really bummed out.

Jenica spent one night in the hospital so they could evaluate her heart rhythm even better, and she ended up leaving the hospital with a "life vest".  Not the orange kind you see in boats.  This one is much more expensive.  And a lot more high-tech.  This one can't get wet.  But it will save her life if her heart goes into an arrhythmia.  (#890)  She has to wear it until we go back for surgery to swap out her pacemaker with the kind that also has a defibrilator. She just had to replace her pacemaker 2 years ago when the battery went low.  So to have another surgery this soon was not part of our plan.

What makes her the most sad is that she has to sit out her first softball season in high school.  And what makes me sad, is seeing how sad Jenica is.  But God is still faithful, and He is where we find our strength.  (#891)  My family came over to help cheer her up yesterday, and we spent the day playing games.  (#892)  After everyone went home, we kidnapped a few of her friends and got blizzards at DQ.   (#893) Ice cream always helps brighten Jenica's spirits.  Chocolate, of course.  With lots of oreo and cookie-dough chunks in it.   And we all benefit from trips to DQ, when Chad says "ice cream for everyone!"

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