
Monday, March 5, 2012

How Did I End Up There?

Do you ever search for something on-line? 

A product. . . a book. . . music. . . a trip to plan. . . an answer to a question. . . information. . . pictures. . . and the list goes on. . .
So you go to a website, and then something on that site catches your eye, so you click on that link.  And then something on the new website draws you in, and you click on another link, and then another, and another. . . until you find yourself so far from what you initially were looking for, that you can't quite remember how you got there. . . or what you were looking for in the first place?

That happened to me today, which turned out to be a blessing.  (#358)

After my workout at Curves, followed by some cardio (#359), I sat down at the computer to look at a few of the blogs I follow, as I searched for inspiration for my own blog post today.  And I was on the blog:  (Check it out sometime!) 
The author of the book "One Thousand Gifts" allows you to Read The Gifts that others have posted on her blog. (#360)  If you're into "Twitter" (which I'm not, btw), you can also look at the Joyful Tweets section and see what blessings people are "tweeting" about.  I happened to notice a theme on these "tweets". . . they were talking about . . .

The Today Show. 

Okay, but what did that have to do with Counting Our Gifts?  I wasn't following.  So I decided to click on the link of those tweets and found out that during Kathie Lee & Hoda's "chat time", they shared their Favorite Things again today, just like they always do. 

And today, Kathlie Lee mentioned the book "One Thousand Gifts," and how that book has changed the way she looks at life.  (#361) 

As I've said before - it's a great book!  Kathie Lee also had Ann Voskamp (the author) in the studio with her, and is having lunch with her today!  How cool is that?!

But stay with me. I'm not finished with my cool story. 

So, I went back to the One Thousand website and looked at the tweets again, and at that very moment, someone tweeted about how she is counting her gifts on her own blog.  (Just like me, only way better.)  And so I clicked on the link she shared and it took me to her blog called "A Mom On A Mission".  (#362)  I loved reading through her "Gifts" from the month of February.  It opened my eyes to even more ways in which I can see God's gifts in front of me.  (#363)  Check it out sometime!

What drew me into her blog was the photo of her family.  They're an Asian family, which always catches my eye (thanks to our sweet blessing Jillian).  And in my blog wanderings, I discovered a YouTube video she posted, as a prayer to her daughter, who turned 15 last month.  The song is called "Pray" by Kendal Payne.  I'm blessed to have found this website, which led me to this song today (of all days).  (#364)

What makes it special today, is that it follows perfectly with the Bible study I have tonight with several other coaches wives on the book of Ephesians.  (#365)  (I just finished "day 4" of my study and can't wait to share this song with the gals tonight.)

Many times when we pray, we want God to change things around us, instead of changing me. (us)  It's a song about learning to trust.  And about developing our character.  What a wonderful prayer to pray over our children.  And ourselves.  (#366)

May your heart break enough that compassion enters in
May your strength all be spent upon the weak

All the castles and crowns you build and place upon your head
May they all fall, come crashing down around your feet

May you find every step to be harder than the last
So your character grows greater each stride

May your company be of humble insignificance
May your weakness be your only source of pride

What you do unto others may it all be done to you
May you meet the One who made us
And see Him smile when life is through

May your blessings be many but not what you hoped they’d be
And when you look upon the broken

May mercy show you what you could not see
May you never be sure of any plans you desire
But you’d learn to trust the plan He has for you

May your passions be tried and tested in the holy fire
May you fight with all your life for what is true

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