
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Releasing My Children

Jacob is really enjoying college this year.  (Blessing #934)  More specifically, he's enjoying living off campus in a house with 5 roommates.  But then, what soon-to-be-20-year-old-guy wouldn't love that?  

Since he isn't coming home quite as much this year, I seized the opportunity to have lunch with him yesterday after my stop at walmart.  It's so great to hear about his plans, no matter how frequently they change.  (#935)  He's thinking.  He's exploring different career options.  He's looking ahead.  He's enjoying the moment. 

Oh, yeah . . . and he's still playing football - both flag football and intramurals . . . playing with his "all or nothing" attitude that's always been present on the field. 

As he told me about his "non-competitive" (yah, right) flag football game, I just sat there thinking, "thank you God, for your protection over my son."  (#936)  Boys will be boys.  And that's the way I want it.  Just as God created him to be. 

I find myself releasing him over and over again.  Into God's hands.

I learned how to go about releasing my children early on.  (#937) That probably has something to do with the fact that they all 3 have specific health challenges hanging over them.  But they don't let those challenges define them.  They don't let those challenges hold them back from enjoying the life God's given them.  (#938)

Jacob continues to live life to its fullest.  (#939)  Wether there's danger present or not.  Whether he's wearing a helmet while playing flag football or not. 

I can't be with my children 24/7.  Even if I could, I'm not sure I'd want to.  They have to develop independence and confidence, and learn from the mistakes they are sure to make.  We've all made mistakes.  Kids aren't the only ones who screw up. 

This is a tough world out there.   

But most importantly, I have to trust God.   And I have to release my children to Him.  If I try to clutch onto them, worried about what lies ahead, trying to protect them from all evil, then I am putting a limit on what God can do in their lives.  I wouldn't be letting my children experience God to His fullest, and they wouldn't be learning to lean on God when times get tough. 

God is fully capable of protecting Jacob.  And because of that truth, I don't have to worry.  (#940)  I love Jacob dearly, but God loves him even more.  He will always be God's child first, and it's a blessing that God has chosen to share him with me.  (#941)


  1. I agree with you so wholeheartedly, Janet. Sometimes we have to consciously remind ourselves to release them into God's hand (AGAIN), but it's such an important part of motherhood. We raise them to release them, and they're always God's. Sandi E.

  2. Amen, sista! "We raise them to release them." I love that! And what a joy it is.

  3. Ahhh... this has been the toughest lesson yet in my 5 years of being a Mom. Does it ever get easier? Even at 5 and 1 it is a daily release. Thank goodness we serve a patient God eh?

  4. Parenting definitely keeps us on our knees. Right where God wants us. Depending on Him. Trusting in Him. And releasing our children into His very strong and very capable arms. The only way to be sure that God is in control is to surrender our hold and allow Him full access to our children's lives. Because our children hold onto our hearts, it always takes effort to release them. A conscious effort. But one that will be rewarded.
