
Monday, November 19, 2012

Just 3-a-Day

I really can't believe that November is over half-way over and Thanksgiving is this week!  Where, oh where, has the semester gone?  I glance back at Jacob's high school years and think, man that went fast!  And already, Jenica is closing in on her first semester of high school.  I know these next 3 1/2 years will go by at record speeds for me. 

Which is why I want to be intentional about looking for the blessings in each and every day. Being intentional results in blessings.  (#1019)  I printed off the November Joy Dare the first day of the month and am keeping up with my list.   Are you? 
I shared my list with you back on Day 3, but that was only a few days.  So I thought I'd share the rest of my November Joy Dare list with you in hopes that it motivates you to search for the special gifts, whether big or small, that come your way each and every day. 

Day 4 - A Gift Gathered, Given, and Good
1.  Gathered - around the dinner table after church - all 5 of us!  Doesn't happen much any more.  (#1020)
2.  Given - backrubs.  Ahhhh.....  (#1021)
3.  Good - fellowship and laughter with our small group.  (#1022)

Day 5 - Acorn Small
1.  My wedding ring and the promises it represents.  I lost it when Jacob was about 8, and went for 6 months without it on my hand, until Jacob found it.  (#1023)
2.  The tiny K-Love icon on my iPad, connecting me to positive and encouraging songs and short messages of hope.  (#1024)
3.  My secret stash (so they last longer) of Dove's milk chocolate squares and the "Promise" inside each wrapper.  #1025)

Day 6 - In Government
1.  It's both a gift and a priviledge to vote according to our own personal values.  No one is forcing us to vote a specific way, and both men and women alike have the right to vote.  Also, noticing a comment on facebook from a former student of Chad's, stating that she went out and voted for the first time this year.  (#1026)
2.  That God hand-picked our forefathers who founded our country on faith.  "In God We Trust."  (#1027)
3.  No matter how the election turns out, God still reigns, and He's still on His throne.  We can trust in His sovereignty.  Completely.  (#1028)

Day 7 - From My Window
1.  A beautiful sunrise - the sun's reminder of God's presense as He filled the morning sky with His artwork.  (#1029)
2.  Country living - Am grateful I can see for miles from the windows in our home.  (#1030)
3.  Stars - driving home with my family after the "Silver Ring Thing" and noticing the star-lit sky in full view from my car window.  (#1031)

Day 8 - Sweet, Salty, Sipped
1.  Puppy chow - finishing off the last few pieces (for breakfast)  (#1032)
2.  Popcorn, the "healthy way", as an after school snack with the girls.  Just put 1/4 cup of kernals in a small brown lunch bag, fold over the end a couple times, and pop for 3 minutes in the microwave on high.  When it's finished, spray lightly with Pam spray and sprinkle with salt.  "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy," as Jillian would say.  (#1033)
3.  Diet coke, ice cold.  (#1034)

Day 9 - Harvest
1.  Great fall weather, lasting a long time this year.  (#1035)

2.  The harvest of praying for and releasing my 20 yo son.  Seeing his heart for the Lord.  (#1036)
3.  Shelves full of canned tomatoes from our garden, awaiting the next pot of chili.  (#1037)

Day 10 - Bible Reading
1.  John 15:13  - thinking about Veteran's Day  (#1038)
2.  Psalm 37:4 - count your blessings, and you will find joy. (#1039)
3.  Ephesians 2:10 - it doesn't matter what others think of me;  God vote is the only one that counts  (#1040)

Day 11 - Rememberance
1.  What Jesus did for me on the cross  (#1041)
2.  A life-long friend in Lincoln, whom I'll get to spend time with this week. (#1042)
3.  The most treasured trip ever taken - our adoption journey in China that gave me 18 uninterrupted days with my family - as we celebrate our 6th anniversary of that trip this month. (#1043)

Day 12 - At Noon
1.  scanning pictures (lots of them) for a project, remembering the years gone by.  (#1044)
2.  Sunshine bright, giving the impression of warmth, even though it's cold today.  (#1045)
3.  Grateful that the tomatoey stain next to the red stitching on Jillian's new white shirt came out perfectly. (#1046)

Day 13 - Behind a Door
1.  My Curves fitness club, where everyone is accepted, flaws and all.  (#1047)
2.  The massage I've needed for weeks finally fits into my schedule.  (#1048)
3.  The faint sounds of Chinese Lullabies as Jillian drifts into dreamland.  (#1049) 

Day 14 - Silent
1.  The setting sun, colorful and radiant, bursting of God's greatness. (#1050)
2.  Quiet tears streaming down my cheeks as I recognize the hurt my daughter's dealing with, silently asking God for the right words.  (#1051)
3.  A quiet home, everyone else tucked in bed, while I search for wisdom in God's Word. (#1052)

Day 15 - Golden
1.  Sharing my pain and praying with a friend, whom God put in my path at just the right moment today.  (#1053)
2.  Jillian's smile when I picked her up from school.  (#1054)
3.  My hope, being found in Jesus and not in people or things.  (#1055)

Day 16 - Hard Eucharistos
1.  Helping my child make sense of the pain she's experiencing because of the choices of others who have hurt her.  (#1056)
2.  The fresh reminder that people will always disappoint us, but God never will.  (#1057)
3.  Parenting.  It keeps me on my knees and draws me closer to the One who provides Truth.  (#1058)

Day 17 - In Laughter
1.  Overhearing Jenica and Jillian "gut-laught" together.  (#1059)
2.  When Chad lightened the mood and said "it's good to see you smile again."  (#1060)
3.  An overnight guest for Jenica - a friend who includes her little sister - and the continuous laughter coming from the family room.  (#1061)

Day 18 - Made, Shared, Passed On
1.  Made - Glad I can make dinner rolls for Thanksgiving ahead of time, thankful they freeze so well.  (#1062)
2.  Shared - Crispix Snack Mix, shared with our small group tonight.  (#1063)
3.  Passed On - boxes of clothes that the girls outgrew, and grateful for the extra space it freed up.  (#1064)

Day 19.........stay tuned.  Make it a great week!  And celebrate the Joy that comes from being Thankful. 

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