
Friday, February 24, 2012


Jillian has a new favorite movie.  It's the movie "Courageous", which we gave Chad for Valentine's Day.  Great movie, BTW.  (Blessing #323) Chad & I saw it in the theater, but the girls didn't.  Jillian caught the tail end of the movie when we watched it last week. . .  The part where there's gunshots fired between the policemen and the "bad guys."  She instantly became glued to the TV, and begged us to start it over, so she could see the whole movie. 

Jillian LOVES the movie!  She can't get enough of it.  In fact, she carries the DVD case around with her, looking at the 4 policemen on the front.  She even knows their names.  She talks about the funny parts, and loves watching the "bloopers" on the DVD.  I didn't think this movie would hold her interest, but it does.  She laughs and laughs at the "Snake King Gang" scene with Javier.

In fact, she no longer wants to be a "hair cutter" when she grows up.  She wants to be a "police girl." 

She told all her friends in school about the movie, "Courageous." 

And when Jenica asked Jillian to draw a picture for Jenica to put on the front of her 3-ring-notebook, she drew. . . a policeman.  Not just any policeman.  Adam Mitchell, the main policeman from the movie.

We reminded her that Uncle Paul is a policeman, which spawned a multitude of questions.  What color is his shirt?  How about his pants?  Do his pants have a stripe down the sides?  Does he wear a hat?  Does he carry a gun?  Has he ever shot a bad guy?  What color are his shoes?  Does he have a "thingy" on his shoulder that he talks into so other policemen can hear him?  Does he have patches on his shoulder?  I guess she was very observant in the movie. 

Tonight, Jenica and some friends are going to the movie downtown, and we promised Jillian that we'd watch Courageous while they are gone.  (#324)  I've heard about 50 times already, "when are we gonna watch the movie "Courageous"?  (as she carries it under her arm)

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