
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Choose JOY

There are always blessings right in front of us.  Even though complaining seems to come easy for some, we shouldn't waste time dwelling on the frustrations, struggles, pain, or imperfections that we are faced with.   For many of us, life is not perfect, but there is so much joy to be found and shared every day.  If I simply LOOK for JOY, then I can change my attitude and perspective, and each day becomes more enjoyable.

I’m on the lookout every day for those moments I can take JOY in. The more I dwell on my blessings every day, by God’s grace the more those blessings seem to multiply before my very eyes. And by experiencing more joy in my own life, I have more JOY to give away.

Jesus came so that we might have life and live it to the full (John 10:10).

Home from College - I went to Lincoln with the pickup Monday to bring Jacob's big items from his dormroom back home again.  He is transferring to UNK at semester, which means he'll be closer to home (#93).  And when I looked at the weather forecast, I knew that Monday would be my best day this week.  It was a cloudy, dreary day.  But that meant I didn't have to worry about the sun in my eyes all the way home (#94).  And I'm thankful I didn't have to contend with the dreadful Nebraska wind (#95).  This photo was taken on Jacob's birthday in September - we celebrated in Lincoln and ate at "Hu Hot", where we noticed a group of Husker Football players dining also.  Jacob asked if he could have his photo taken with them, and they politely agreed.  (I used to think Jacob was a big kid)

Mother-Daughter date (#96) - Jillian and I went to "Happy Feet 2" on "Free Popcorn Night".  It's not actually free, as they charge $1 (we LOVE their buttery popcorn - #97) to fill whatever size bowl or bucket you bring with you.  (Jillian always wants to take the ice cream pail with princesses on it.) But it's still a great deal!  Jillian and I did a lot of giggling while we waited for the movie to begin - she was definitely in a silly mood (#98) - and we provided some entertainment for those sitting around us.

Give Christmas Away In The Drive-Thru (#99)- One of our favorite things to do this time of year is go through the drive-thru and pay for the person's order behind us.  MyBridgeRadio is promoting this again this year, and you can click on their link to find the information about it.  Just print out a short little note from the website and give it to the cashier when you pay.  Ask her to give it to the person behind you when she tells them that their meal was paid for.  It always brings me JOY, and I pray that the person receiving this gift feels JOY also. Friday is the day set aside this year by the radio station, but don't let that stop you from bringing JOY to the person behind you TODAY....or even next week sometime.

Christmas Music 24/7 - Beginning today, our Christian Radio station is playing Christmas Music all day long, which brings me great JOY (#100).  And all of the songs they play focus on the TRUE meaning of Christmas (#101).  I have so many favorite Christmas songs, but one of my favorites is "How Many Kings" by Downhere.  It is a very powerful Christmas song that really challenges you to think about the sacrifice that our King Jesus made on our behalf. Truly, no other king in the history of the world besides Jesus humbled themselves to come off their throne to become one of their own and become the least...for me .(#102)  For that, I am eternally grateful.

They said, "Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, 'I came down from heaven'?"   John 6:42

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