
Thursday, January 5, 2012

James 1:17 ~ "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

Today's blessings centered around a trip to Lincoln that Jacob and I made.  I don't get many opportunities to spend 10 hours just one-on-one with Jacob, so today's trip was definitely a blessing (#182).  No X-box.  No computers.  Very few distractions, actually.  Just Jacob and I. 

We dropped Jillian off at school, and then hit the road.  She always takes a few steps up towards the playground, then turns around, waves, and blows me a kiss.  And today was no different.  Except that Jacob also got to experience the sweet kiss that floated through the air from Jillian too.  (#183)

Just the fact that Jacob was up at 7:15am is a blessing (#184).  During his first semester, he definitely became molded into a schedule of staying up late and getting up late.  I sometimes wonder if God is preparing him for a job that will involve working the night shift.  

Because he doesn't start college classes until next week, Jacob went with me to the dermatologist in Lincoln to help with the driving.  I had some skin cancer removed (which is becoming a more regular occurance thanks to my fair skin and age), and this time it was a piece of cake compared to the last time.  (#185)  I'm thankful it was found early this time.

On our way to Lincoln, we took a short detour through Starbucks at York for a special treat.  (#186)  In case you're wondering what we had ~ Chai Tea Latte and Caramel Macchiato.  Whenever we go to the doctor, a stop at Starbucks always helps make the trip a little more enjoyable. 

Jacob loves trivia quizzes, so he and I worked on some of the "Jigsaw Words" on my Kindle while we waited.  (#187)  I let him pick the category "Sports" since he's an expert at that one.  (As a side note, I was blessed to win my Kindle from SADS Foundation a couple years ago. Another blessing.  #188)

After we left the doctor, we headed to lunch at Hu Hot Mongolian Grill.  (#189)  It was Jacob's choice, but it's one of my favorite places too.  My best friend from college met us for lunch, so that was a special treat also.  (#190)  She was able to take an extra-long lunch, but the time went by so fast.  It's always great to spend time with her.  She's so upbeat and positive, and just a joy to be around.
Notice the pretty blue sky we got to enjoy today?  It felt like spring!
On our way to lunch, we happened to notice the place where Dani picked up homemade bread for our family Christmas last weekend - Harvest Bread Company.  They make the best bread!  So Jacob pulled into their parking lot so I could run in and get a couple loaves to take home with us. (Blessing #191) 
We had great weather today.  It got up to 69 degrees in Lincoln.  That's pretty amazing for January in Nebraska!  (#192)  Notice the station we were listening to?  Yep.  ESPN Radio.  I let him listen to it for a little while. 

On the way home, we got to watch the sun set ahead of us. (#193) Here are a few photos to share with you, but it was way more beautiful in person.

Approaching the Great Platte River Archway and the construction of the new overpass.

The Platte River

The jets left a pretty pattern for us in the sky, which the setting sun then added a splash color for us.
And when we got home, Chad already had supper ready for us.  (#194)  Jillian met me at the door with spagetti hanging out her mouth.  She and Jenica tried to convince us that daddy fixed worms for supper. 
Silly Jillie!

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