
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Another Coach in the Family

I've been telling Jacob for a few years now, that whatever he decides to do in his life, I'm certain it will involve working with children.  He's so good with them.  (Blessing #719)  And so far, I'm right on the money. 

He's coaching baseball for the 2nd year with a group of 13 and 14 year olds.  Last year, they didn't win a single game, but several of the moms told me their sons had the best time with Jacob as their coach.  Awwwww.....  (#720) Sure makes this mamma proud.  This is a new year, and their first game was tonight.  Some of the kids from last year moved up to a new level this year, but some of them are on his team again.  And they're excited!

Here's a picture of Jacob, giving last minute pointers to a couple of his players before the first pitch.  I'm not sure if they won or lost, because we left early.  You see, the umpires showed up late for the game before them, which caused Jacob's game to start about 45 minutes late.  And because there's still school tomorrow, we had to get home so the girls could get to bed.  But it doesn't matter who wins or loses. . . it's all about learning something and having fun while they're at it. 

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