
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April's Joy Dare

Today is the first day of May, which means that it's time to share my April "Joy Dare" with you.  These are all God sightings, which maybe aren't the typical places you look for blessings, but they are gifts none the less.  Can you see nuggets of gold in your life, too?  God is placing them in front of you, beside you, and behind you.  Praying that your eyes are open to the gifts God has for you. 

(Blessings #596-687)

3 Gifts Round
::  Blessings abound on soccer fields, which are rectangular, but the soccer balls are round.  Celebrating Jenica's first game, after her ankle injury in March. Joy in watching Jacob coach my nephew's U14 team.  And smiles at watching my little nephew's WILD U8 game.
::  The Sun.  It was 85 degrees, perfect weather for my freckles to begin making their yearly appearance.  Thankful for the energy saved by not running the furnace on many warm days so far.  And it's only April 1st!
::  Pizza - and an impromptu party at the Bailey's after an afternoon of soccer games.

3 Gifts White
::  Blossoms on my pear tree, being blown off in today's wind, like giant snowflakes against the green grass.
::  The cleansing blood of Jesus takes away my sins and washes me WHITE as snow.  Not just for a moment, but FOREVER!
::  The newly opened cherry blossoms on the cherry tree we planted a few years ago.  Lookin' like it will finally produce some fruit this year.

3 Gifts Surprisingly Found
::  Had lunch with a friend and when we went to pay for our meal, we were surprised to find out that someone had already paid for it.
::  Volunteer pansies keep popping up in the rocks by our front door in shades of purple, yellow, and white.
::  When you add 1 tsp. baking soda to the water when making hard-boiled-eggs, they are MUCH easier to peal.  (Tip courtesy of Pinterest.)

3 Gifts Found In His Word
::  Because Jesus has conquered death, I have no reason to live in fear.  My life on earth is short compared to all of eternity.  And my eternity is secured through Christ.  Romans 4:5 ~  "But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners."

::  He Is Risen ~ Matthew 28:6 "He isn't here!  He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen.  Come, see where his body was lying."

::  Because of the cross, I am forgiven.  Isaiah 53:5 ~ But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."

3 Gifts
at 11am ::  Talking to my dad on the phone about our broken garage door
at 2pm   ::  Sunshine and calm winds abound 
at 6pm   ::  A sweet hug and kiss from an excited little Jillian when I dropped her off at Ava's home for an overnight stay.

3 Gifts Nailed Together
::  the Son of God, His body broken and bruised, hands and feet nailed to a cross, His blood poured out for me and you.  He died so we could live.  That's one gift I will not refuse.
::  The cross itself, nailed together to hold the Holy body of Christ. 
::  Detailed Stick Horses, handmade with love by my grandpa Don, for each of my children.

3 Gifts Waited For
::  On the third day, He rose again.
::  Waiting for His return.     
::  God's timing is perfect - not a moment too soon, nor a moment too late.  His plan and timing doesn't always match mine, yet His timing is always perfect.  He knows what's best for me. 

3 Gifts Rising Up
::  He is Risen!  He is Risen, Indeed!   Matthew 28:1-6
::  When I am weak, He is strong.    Isaiah 40:31
::  Dinner rolls made for Easter dinner, the magic of yeast.

3 Gifts
Hiding :: a bright red ladybug that Jillian and I spotted, climbing up a blade of grass, as I worked in my flower bed.  Ladybugs are a sign of "good luck" in China.
Held    ::  Teamwork with Jillian - together we carried 40 pound bags of top soil and mulch for my flower garden.
Heard ::  Jillian singing "You Don't Know You're Beautiful" while spinning round and round.  (She hears Jenica play it on her iPod all the time.)

3 Gifts Opened Up
::  Today, we broke out the mini-cooler for Jenica's first track meet of the season, and filled it up with goodies.
::  Jenica & I both opened up "The Hunger Games" and began reading it, and then we plan on seeing the movie together.  The joy of discussing the themes of this book together.
::  A big box from UPS, revealing the lawnmower parts that my hubby needs to keep up with his lawns.

3 Gifts Budding/Blooming
::  My 13 (soon to be 14) year-old daughter, blossoming into a lovely young woman, who just registered for her high school classes.
::  Our Clematis vines, climbing and twisting high, with tiny buds preparing to reveal the purple beautify within.
::  Our "master gardener" neighbor, whose beautiful garden captures my attention each time I drive by.

3 Gifts Worn
::  Warm clothes - Thankful to have them during this cold spell.
::  Contacts - Jenica's ease in wearing them and recognizing the joy of seeing better without having to wear glasses.
::  My college son's bold tatoo of Christ stretching down his left arm.

3 Gifts Bright
::  Morning Sun, following a night full of storms
::  Jillian's bright, bubbly demeanor as school lets out, excited to tell me about her great day
::  Jenica's eyes bright blue, enjoying the contacts that are giving her a new enjoyment of her surroundings

3 Gifts Found Looking Up
::  Watching the magnitude of the storm clouds building all around
::  Lightening bolts - strong, sharp, bright, powerful
::  the beautiful wedding of Matt & Bre, as we looked up to see their faces beaming.  And a reminder to look up and allow God to be the center strength of our marriage.

3 Gifts
In a Bag  ::  King Arthur's WHITE Whole Wheat Flour, a healthy substitution for all-purpose flour
In a Box  ::  A new garage door - after 10 days of not being able to park in the garage
In a Book  ::  Laughing with Jillian as we read Amelia Bedelia together

4 Hard Eaucharisteos (I couldn't decide on just 3, so I left this list with 4 gifts)
::  Just because God doesn't answer my prayers doesn't mean He's not listening; He's got something better in store for me.  His plan is always the perfect plan, and I choose to trust Him.
::  When the world around us seems to be falling apart, and when I'm tempted to criticize or complain, I can instead give thanks that God is sovereign.  He knows what He's doing and every authority exists because God ordains it to be.  I can trust in His sovereignty.
::  Just being myself.  Keeping off the "mask" I'm tempted to hide behind, revealing the true me He created me to be. 
::  There will be a day when there's no more crying, no more pain.  But until that day, I will hold onto God, my rock and my strong tower.  The journey on earth is filled with burdens, challenges, and tears, but the scars that remain refine us into the person God wants us to be.

3 Gifts Woven Together
::  The basketweave seat on an antique chair
::  The lives of all our family members, whether near or far, woven together forever
::  My clematis vine, twisting, turning, and creeping up the pole

3 Gifts Inherited
::  Freckles and red hair from my dad
::  Ability to play the piano from my grandma Viola, who gave me lessons for 13 years
::  My great-grandma Esther's Duncan Phyfe table/chairs that we use as our dining room table, along with her benches and table from her breakfast nook that I recently refinished.

3 Gifts Square
::  A stack of square presents for my 8 year-old, celebrating her birthday this day - full of silliness at 6:30 am, ready to enjoy the day.
::  A Small engraved mirror for my purse, a sweet gift from my beautiful sister.
::  Visiting Jillian's square-shaped classroom to deliver star-shaped birthday cookies

3 Gifts
Stacked  ::  Plates stacked high, in anticipation of the Runzas we'll enjoy with my brother's family, who are "home" from Arizona this weekend
Stashed  ::  A stack of mail hidden, thankful to put it aside and deal with it later.
Stilled    ::  when the entire track becomes quiet, and a new race is about to begin after the starter's gun breaks the silence.

3 Gifts In Christ
::  Peace that surpasses all understanding
::  A guarantee of eternity spent in Heaven
::  The hope I cling to in times of trial

3 Gifts Close
::  The times when I feel God's closeness and His loving arms around me.
::  The closeness 23 years of marriage brings
::  Having family members live close enough to spend time together frequently

3 Gifts Reflecting
:: The sun's sparkle in the early morning dewdrops that Jillian and I enjoyed together before leaving for school.
::  North Park's lake at dusk
::  Childhood memories held close to my heart, reflected updon while my brother and sister-in-law were home

3 Gifts Fragile
::  The windows cracked open, allowing springtime sounds and warmth inside
::  Jillian's clay horse, made at school

:: The antique "yo-yo" quilt, stitched together with tiny threads

3 Gifts
Cloth  ::  the long athletic "boy shorts" Jillian joyfully wears to school today, reflecting the image of her older siblings, longing to be "big" like them
Steel  ::  The riding lawn mower, making it easier for me to mow a really big yard today
Wood  ::  The old table, belonging to my great-grandma Esther, that I rescued from the old barn and refinished

3 Gifts Moving
::  The earth, rotating on its imaginary axis, put into motion by our Creator long ago
::  Big boxes full of belongings, transitioning back home from college since his classes were cancelled today.
::  Rain clouds, moving across the US, which will most likely bring us rain tomorrow

3 Gifts Ugly Beautiful
::  a messy living room, scattered with Barbies and doll furniture, reminants of a fun birthday party
::  dead plants from last summer's garden, awaiting freshly tilled dirt and lucious new veggies
::  scars from heart surgeries, and thankful for the technology that exists today which keeps the breath of life flowing through my loved ones.

3 Gifts Orange
::  Colors on my favorite Tervis glass, a gift from a friend
::  My neice Lily's toenails, which she had me paint in a rainbow of colors while sitting on our deck, on a beautiful spring day
::  The stripes/dashes on highways, marking no passing zones, thankful for the drivers who obey them to keep our roads safe.

3 Gifts in Dirt
::  Freshly planted corn in the field next to us, awaiting the miracle of new growth by the Master's Hand.
::  Baby Colorado Blue Spruce trees, shared with us by friends in honor of Arbor Day, dreaming of the day they give full-grown shelter from our south winds
::  Jenica's four softball games to kick off the season, thankful they could play after our recent 2" rain

3 Gifts
Given  ::  A ride to the other side of town for a lady at Curves, who's vehicle was at the shop
Made  ::  A yummy P.W. recipe ~ Chicken with Creamy Mustard Sauce
Sacrificed  ::  time freely and willingly given to care for my family.  Today, I'm thankful I was able to take Jenica to the doctor for a 2nd degree ankle sprain, and then to PT for treatment on that ankle, followed by fixing them supper and spending 45 minutes reading with Jillian.

If you'd like to join me in the May Joy Dare, click here to print it out.  You will be blessed as you look for the nuggets of joy each and every day.  They are gifts that will point us to the One who delivers them lovingly.  Open your eyes and smile as you search for Joy, giving thanks for each and every gift.

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