
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fashion Show

Keeping an umbrella in the car is a good idea.  You never know when you're gonna need one.  (Blessing # 591)  After school last Friday, I picked Jillian up in the pouring rain and then dropped her off at her friend Izzy's birthday party.  Izzy planned a "Fashion Show" at the end of the party for her 8 little friends, and asked each of the girls to bring with an outfit that they wanted to model in the "Fashion Show."  Jillian wasn't too sure she wanted to be part of a fashion show until I suggested an outfit that I knew she'd love to wear.

When we traveled to China, we bought several traditional Chinese outfits for both Jillian and Jenica, in a variety of sizes and colors.  (#592)  (Things in China are really cheap!)  And Izzy's Fashion Show was an ideal opportunity to go through our "treasures from China box" and find an outfit for Jillian.  We found a 2-piece set in Jillian's favorite color, red.  Perfect!  We also found red Chinese shoes that Jenica once wore, along with a red Chinese parasol. 

Izzy told the girls they could bring along a teddy bear or doll to carry during the Fashion Show.  We were in luck!  Jillian has an Asian American Girl doll that fits perfectly with her "China" theme.  (#593)  Izzy and her American Girl doll wore matching outfits, and Izzy carried a red rose.

There are only four girls in Jillian's first grade class, so I had them pose for a picture at the end of the party.  Izzy's mom gave each of the girls a medal around their neck and a princess crown, Jillian's medal was for the "Most Worldly."  (#594) 

Jillian may have been a little unsure about modeling at a Fashion Show at the beginning of the week, but by the time I picked her up from the party, she was asking me if she could have her own fashion show sometime.  It's fun to see Jillian flex her courage muscles and try something new. (#595)  If Izzy would have asked everyone to wear a football outfit and plan on a game of touch footballl, Jillian would have been totally comfortable.  The Fashion Show took her out of her comfort zone, but she discovered just how much fun it could be and came home modeling a big smile as well.

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